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Colorado Archives & Repositories

This is a small sampling of information found in Denver, Colorado. It has a wealth of resources to assist you in your genealogical research. Each section on this page provides a brief overview and provides the types of genealogical information that can be found.


Colorado State Archives
1313 Sherman Street, Room 120, Denver, CO 80203-2274, 303-866-2358 (directions)

Hours: 10AM to 4PM, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.  Wednesday the research room is open by appointment only.

The Colorado State Archives has a wealth of information for the genealogist.  Their holdings include:

  • Birth Records (pre-1907) and Death Records (1870-1905)
  • Bar admissions Files (1899-1950)
  • CCC Enrollees
  • Census Records including 1870 Federal Census
  • Corrections Records
  • Marriage and Divorce Records 
  • Military Records including Civil War & Vietnam War
  • Naturalization Records
  • Probate Records
  • School Records
  • Supreme Court Bar Admissions
  • Other

Search the Historical Records Database by name, county, time span or record type.

You may make a request for records here.

Not all records are listed in the database, only those that have been indexed. For a list of records searchable using the Historical Records Database click here.
    Historical Records Database

    Search the Historical Records Database by name, county, time span or record type (over 450,000 entries and growing including the Statewide Divorce Index 1880-1939). Includes numerous holdings including 1870 Federal Census Records, Bar Admission Files 1899-1950, Birth Records (Pre-1907), Civil War Casualties, Colorado Court of Appeals 1891-1911, Denver Death Index 1870-1905, Divorce Records, Inheritance Tax Record, Land Patent Records, Old Age Pension, Probate Records, School Records, Teacher Certificate Applications, Teacher Experience Records, and Vietnam War Casualties.  Several groups, including JGSCO, are in the process of indexing Colorado probate records.  These indexes will be placed online when the project has been completed.

    Not all records are listed in the database, only those that have been indexed. For a list of records searchable using the Historical Records Database click here

    You may make a request for records here.


    Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment 
    (main campus: 4300 Cherry Creek S. Dr., Glendale, CO 80246)

    The Colorado Department of Health is the official repository for birth, death, and other vital records for Colorado. Includes applications for death records for the entire state 1900 to present. Certified copies of birth certificates are available in the county where birth occurred for birth years 1910 to present. Marriage records for the entire state are available for 1900 to 1939, and 1975 to present. Verifications for the years 1940 to 1974 are not available from this office and must be obtained from the county where the license was obtained. Dissolution (divorce, separation and annulment) records for the entire state are available for 1851 to 1939 and 1968 to present. Verifications for the years 1940 to 1967 are not available from this office and must be obtained from the county where the dissolution was decreed. Some county vital records predate this office's collection and should be contacted directly.  Please note that Colorado considers vital records to be confidential; the website gives information on who may request vital records

    History Colorado 
    1200 Broadway, Denver, CO 80203

    The holdings of the Stephen H. Hart Library include the largest newspaper collection in Colorado for birth, marriage and death records; books, maps, architectural drawings to identify early buildings; private and business correspondence, family albums, photographic prints, postcards, city directories, magazines and newspapers, and a wealth of other historical resources. Online library catalog, other indices and services available.

    National Archives and Records Administration (NARA)
    17101 Huron St., Broomfield, CO 80223 |  303-604-4740

    The Rocky Mountain Regional Facility's archival holdings include federal population censuses for all states, 1790-1930, indices for the 1880, 1900, 1910, and 1920 censuses, ship’s passenger lists, and Colorado naturalizations. 

    Denver Area Libraries

    • Denver Public Library 

    The Western History and Genealogy Department, on the fifth floor of the Central Denver Public Library in downtown Denver, is a regional treasure trove for the family history researcher. 

    They also have archives of the following local newspapers:

    • Intermountain Jewish News (IJN) – Published since 1913, online index for 2000-present. IJN's newspaper morgue can be visited in person. 303-861-2234.
    • Denver Post Archives - Published since 1892, all issues on microfilm. Archives online since 1993. The entire Post from 1895 to present is also available on microfilm at the Western History and Genealogy Department of the Denver Public Library's Main Branch in downtown Denver.
    • Rocky Mountain News - Published 1859-2009. 1860-1922 searchable on Genealogy Bank. 
    • The Jewish Outlook – A weekly journal devoted to the Jewish communities of the Rocky Mountain Region in 10 volumes 1903-1911.  Vols. 1-4 in hard copy and vols. 5-11 on microfilm held at the Denver Public Library.
    •  University of Denver

     The University of Denver is home to several programs and repositories of interest to Jewish historians and genealogists.  They include:

    •  Denver Area Family History Centers (Church of Latter Day Saints Libraries)

    For a list of locations please go to:

    If you know of a repository or archive we overlooked then please call that to our attention by emailing

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    The Jewish Genealogical Society (JGS) of Colorado is a leader in education, research, information exchange forums, and resources for Jewish genealogy.

    Mailing Address

    Jewish Genealogical Society of Colorado
    P.O. Box 460442
    Denver, Colorado 80246


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    JGSCO is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.