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Volunteers Needed!

JGSCO needs volunteers to further and expand many of the projects we would like to do as well as expand content of this website. Following are some areas that are currently in need. If you can help with any of these then please send an email.

  • Are you a current member who would be available to answer genealogy questions during our "Schmear & Schmooze" session held 30 minutes prior to our monthly programs? If so, please send us an email.
  • On the Memorial Plaques webpage, we are aware of the memorial plaques at only some of the Synagogues in Colorado. We are looking for volunteers to call other Synagogues & Temples to see if they have Memorial Plaques. If so, how many, and would there be any restrictions against taking pictures of them. Estimated total time is a few hours.
  • Also on the Memorial Plaques webpage, we would like to catalogue existing plaques once we understand the gaps. If you are interested in spearheading any location (not necessarily by yourself), that would help add to the database of Memorial Plaques.


The Jewish Genealogical Society (JGS) of Colorado is a leader in education, research, information exchange forums, and resources for Jewish genealogy.

Mailing Address

Jewish Genealogical Society of Colorado
P.O. Box 460442
Denver, Colorado 80246


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© 2024 Jewish Genealogical Society of Colorado

JGSCO is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.