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The Jewish Genealogical Society (JGS) of Colorado is a leader in education, research, information exchange forums, and resources for Jewish genealogy.

Founded in 1995 by Miriam Ohr (z''l) and Sandra Greenberg, and as part of a network of 70 societies worldwide within the International Association of Jewish Genealogical Societies (IAJGS), the Society is a nonprofit and run 100% by volunteers. 

Learn More...

Are you interested in researching Jewish family history and looking for a local network of experts and enthusiasts?


We’re here to help by providing programs, support, and guidance to find and use resources located in Colorado and throughout the world. Please take a look through our website.

We encourage all levels of research from beginner to advanced to participate and share their knowledge. Take a look at the How to Get Started page where you’ll find useful information for all levels of research, and check out upcoming programs. Guests are always welcome. We meet once a month on Zoom on Sunday mornings. To help folks with their research questions, we start at 9:30 am and the guest speaker starts at 10 am, (Mountain Time) from September through June.

JGSCO is a nonprofit organization run entirely by volunteers. Annual dues of $30 per individual or $40 per household support the administration of the group including speaker and venue fees, website, and operations. Join here.

Join us at our next event



Sunday February 16 2025

Program 10 AM to 12 PM Mountain Time

9:30 AM to 10 AM Schmear, Schmooze, and Share


There are now more options than ever to access records in Israel. We'll look at the kinds of information available - and what is not. I'll give you tips on how to make the most of what is out there. We'll have a chance to entertain several questions from the audience, so come prepared with detailed questions (those we don't get to will be able to send them by email and we'll try to get you some answers).

Bio Garri Regev has lived in Israel since 1978 and was an elementary teacher for more than 20 years there. Garri has been doing genealogical research for over 20 years. She has lectured in Genealogy to many adult groups including Hadassah, Touro College, the Central Zionist Archives, EVA/MINERVA and IAJGS Conferences. Garri currently volunteers at the Israel Museum, at the CZA and the NLI Genealogy Center. She was President of the Israel Genealogical Society and of the Israel Genealogy Research Association. She was the Vice-Chair of the 2015 IAJGS Conference in Jerusalem and co-chair of program. Currently Garri is a Board Member of the LitvakSIG, the primary internet resource for Lithuanian-Jewish (Litvak) genealogy research worldwide Special Interest Group.

All members and Guests must register!

Members at no charge 

Guests $5

Everyone attending must register at


Upcoming events


Members can login by clicking the Login button (upper right of the page). Don't know your password? Go to the login page and click the Forgot Password link.

There is an app for this site! To load the app, access this website from your mobile device and click the appropriate icon for the Wild Apricot Member app:


Apple iOS or iPadOS:

Need Help Getting Started?

The Jewish Genealogy Society of Colorado offers a Q & A session during monthly meetings.  Come 30 minutes early where we discuss and offer suggestions to your genealogy questions. We have found this is a great way to help enthusiats work through their 'brick walls.' 

Some of our members may also offer private research services. Fees and type of research should be negotiated individually. Results may vary and are not guaranteed, nor does the JGS of Colorado recommend or sponsor any individual researcher.


The Jewish Genealogical Society (JGS) of Colorado is a leader in education, research, information exchange forums, and resources for Jewish genealogy.

Mailing Address

Jewish Genealogical Society of Colorado
P.O. Box 460442
Denver, Colorado 80246


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© 2025 Jewish Genealogical Society of Colorado

JGSCO is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.