The recording and chat from Linda Ambrus Broenniman's April 7 presentation about “Canadian Resources for Jewish Genealogy” are available. After logging into, you can find a link to this event (and most past events) on the website's Events page by going to menu item JGSCO Events > Past Events' Handouts and Recordings, then scroll down to the Past Events section. (If you don't log in then you won't see past events.) Links are at the bottom of each event's information. Alternately, you can click here to go directly to this event.
Please mark your calendar for JGSCO's upcoming events: April 8 and May 6 (Indexing JCRS Records at University of Denver in person). On June 2, we will have our annual meeting at Temple Emanuel at 2 PM (not in the morning). There will be a pair of presentations about the history of two Colorado Synagogues, Temple Aaron of Trinidad and Temple Israel of Leadville.
Sign up for these events at > Upcoming Events (lower left on Home page).