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  • January 28, 2022 2:43 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The recording for Preserving Holocaust History, presented 1/23/22, is available now. After logging in, you can find it on the JGSCO Events page. Scroll down to the Past Events section. (If you don't log in then you won't see past events.)

  • December 27, 2021 5:09 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Before a meeting occurs: Handout(s) will be available to anyone who registers. They will be emailed to registrants along with a Zoom link before the meeting, if applicable, as inclusions to reminder emails. Prior to meetings, handouts are not typically available online.

    After a meeting occurs: The website saves the meeting's original announcement and associates it with the meeting's original date. Handout(s) can be accessed by going to the meeting's announcement and clicking on link(s) provided. If we recorded a meeting then you can access the recording in the same way as the handout(s) and same with chat. Please look for handouts, etc. a few days after the meeting.

    If the handout(s) and / or recording are available for only a limited time then there will be a note by the link(s) noting this. Access to these resources will be available to only members who are logged into the website. Also, the event's title will be modified slightly to tell you if handout(s) and/or recording are available --- look for [H], [R], or [H,R] before the event's name, respectively.

    How to locate a past meeting's handout(s) and recording:

    There are two ways to locate prior events. Both require you to log into the website and go to the JGSCO Events menu page. 1) There is long list of past events on the same web page as the current event and below it. 2) You can search by date using the Events calendar. Once on this page:

    1. On the right-hand side, select Switch to Calendar View
    2. You will be taken to the current month's view of JGSCO's calendar. At this point, you have three choices: a) selecting Switch to List View at right shows you a list of all events we could locate back to JGSCO's founding, or b) switch to Year view at left, which shows a list per month, or c) scroll through previous months' calendars to locate an event. [Personally, I prefer option b, but try all the options to see what works best for you.)

    Here is a sample event with handouts available:

    REMINDER: the recordings are large files and may take some time to download to your device.

    More tips like this can be found online after logging in by going to Site > Site Announcements and Tips

  • November 07, 2021 3:00 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
    After logging in, you can access your profile and update it. The reason you may want to do that is because you can update you contact information, your interests and skills, etc.

    Accessing your profile: after logging in, tap on the orange person icon at upper right and notice there is an option to access your profile. You can do this by selecting 'View Profile'. Once in the site's Profile module, use the horizontal submenu to navigate in this area. You can either view or edit your profile. To do the latter, select the blue 'Edit Profile' button near top left. If you make changes that you want to save then select one of the blue 'Save' buttons on the left.

    Profile: shows your contact information and genealogical skills and interests. Regions of interest are normally visible to other members, allowing someone to connect with you if they have an interest similar to yours.

    Privacy: shows what data is visible to other members. Note that none of your information is visible to non-members.

    Email subscriptions: shows which announcements you will receive. Suggestion to leave these as subscribed for a few months. We'll try not to be too chatty.

    My event registrations: is a view-only page that shows which events you registered for.

    Invoices and payments: this view-only page shows invoices received and payments made. Data should match what was in the previous website, so let us know if there are any errors.

    Donations: shows donations you've made since the website went live on Nov 8, 2021.
  • November 07, 2021 2:14 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Website tips are periodically posted to the Site Announcements and Tips page. New tips can also be seen on the site's Home page and older tips can be viewed forever by going to the previously notedlink. Be sure to check it out.

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The Jewish Genealogical Society (JGS) of Colorado is a leader in education, research, information exchange forums, and resources for Jewish genealogy.

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Jewish Genealogical Society of Colorado
P.O. Box 460442
Denver, Colorado 80246

Email: info@jgsco.org

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JGSCO is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.