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  • A Day With Alec Ferretti Master Genealogist

A Day With Alec Ferretti Master Genealogist

  • September 08, 2024
  • 9:30 AM - 3:00 PM
  • BMH/BJ 560 S. Monaco Pkwy Denver CO 80224



2024 Annual Event 

A Day With Alec Ferretti Master Genealogist  

Sunday September 8 2024

9:30 AM to 3 PM

In-Person Only

Continental Breakfast and Lunch will be served


560 S. Monaco Pkwy Denver CO 80224

All Handouts are included in your email.

Please print them out for the seminar  

Book Sale

Members $25

Non-Members $35

Register at:

Making the Most of Ancestry

Learn tips & tricks to more efficiently search ancestry’s indexes, by understanding how to leverage their strengths and mitigate their weaknesses.  

The Mess of NYC Vital Records

Learn what vital records are available in New York State and how to find them - and what advocacy work is being done to allow genealogists access to even more!

Welcome to NY--All About Arrival Records

Learn what vital records are available in New York State and how to find them - and what advocacy work is being done to allow genealogists access to even more!

Life Lessons from the Deceased

A lighthearted look at the research into the Taub family will weave together anecdotes from a beginner's genealogy research experience and the vibrant stories of ancestors lives by looking at family photos, historical artifacts, genealogical records, and seeking cousins far and wide.


Alec Ferretti is a New-York-City-based professional genealogist, who has worked for the Wells Fargo Family & Business History Center, researching family histories for high net worth clients.  Alec specializes in the genealogy of 20th century immigrants to the United States.  He is a regular lecturer at genealogical societies and conferences.  He serves as the President of the New York Genealogy & Technology Group, serves actively on the Board of Directors of the Association of Professional Genealogists, and on the Board of Reclaim the Records, a nonprofit dedicated to wrangling public records from obstinate government agencies. 


The Jewish Genealogical Society (JGS) of Colorado is a leader in education, research, information exchange forums, and resources for Jewish genealogy.

Mailing Address

Jewish Genealogical Society of Colorado
P.O. Box 460442
Denver, Colorado 80246


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JGSCO is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.